We are increasingly surrounded by RF radiation from our own devices, like cell phones, computers, smart devices, baby monitors and routers and, involuntarily from cell towers and antennas in our cities and towns. Children are even more vulnerable to the effects of radiation due to their thinner skulls and still-developing brains. In addition to most children having wifi at home, they are also exposed to wireless radiation all day long in the classroom and out in public. "A wifi classroom is like the inside of a microwave oven set at very low power. Children are exposed to that wifi radiation six hours every school day, five days a week, and for several months during the year.” That’s a quote from Magda Havas, a professor of environmental studies in Canada who does research on the biological effects of non-ionizing radiation.
Biological harm caused by non-ionizing RF radiation, even at low levels, includes cancer, neurological and DNA damage, low fertility and other reproductive damage, and cardiovascular harm, sleep disturbances, and emotional and behavioral issues, to name just a few consequences. And the level of exposure continues to rapidly climb, as does the evidence demonstrating a link between cancer and other diseases from exposure to wireless radiation. This article from the Environmental Health Trust offers a list of common sense steps everyone can take to reduce their exposure to radiation. This issue is why I include radiation protection devices from Defender Shield in my list of recommended products. Another great resource on this topic is the Americans for Responsible Technology, a non-profit that is among environmental leaders trying to strengthen outdated laws and regulations at the federal level to better protect the public from RF radiation.